T minus 3ish hours

Until my Australian friend Rose arrives in the States!

I was planning on doing a longer blog post about how we met (pretty crazy story), but it’s 3am and I want to catch some sort of sleep before I have to finish packing.

I have to leave for the airport at 6ish which is roughly around the time that Rose is arriving at LAX.

Besides the excitement of seeing a close friend I haven’t seen since last July, I am also excited to go back to the homeland! We are going to be staying in Santa Monica for a few days which means I get the chance to show Rose where I would go as kid when my family lived here.

However, here is our most important places to go while we are here.

#1 Stop:In-N-Out Burger: I’ve been dreaming about this place since I was in CA last July. I’ve bonded with many people over the amazingness of In and out!

#2 Disneyland: Been a while since I’ve been here, and of course, Rose has never been here. Hope it lives up to her expectations!! 😀

So for now I will leave you with a photo I took today while in Toy-R-Us which I think pretty much sums up Rose and Me. 😛

we are like so stylish, aren't we?

I would have totally bought these if they didn't cost $40 per doll D: