
For about the next 2 months I will be traveling in Europe! I am traveling part myself, part with a tour and part with friends. 🙂

I will attempt to keep a running travel blog during this time, but I am realistic that I will not always be near a computer. I will update whenever possible.

What does this mean for my daily projects you might ask? It would be tricky to do an art project everyday while traveling, so instead I am going to do a photo-a-day (dailyshoot) while I am away. This will be super easy to do as I am expecting to take a million pictures during my trip. 🙂

See you on the other side of the Atlantic!


Day 85: The Hunger Games

Day 85’s assignment was “”Work with words. Make an image with just words or letters. You can cut them from magazines, draw them yourself, or print out words on a computer to work with.”

I already posted Day 85’s assignment on Flickr but I decided to blog about it because of the cool image I found while searching for inspiration. Continue reading

USA VS. Germany: Freedom

While on my #ChasingSummer roadtrip through the South I got a chance to talk with my German friends about various Germany VS. USA differences. Our ideas of “Freedom” is one concept I found interesting.

Freedom to me (Team USA) is having my own car. With my own card I am totally independent; I can go where I want when I want. Continue reading