GAME ON: Rainbow Brite hits the big time

I’ve been meaning to post this for a while, but for some reason had gotten totally distracted and forgotten about it until now.

Every so often I check to see how people have been linked to my photos. One day I found that some of my Rainbow Brite photos had been linked to this online game. I was intrigued and decided to check it out. Continue reading

España: Barcelona

Ahhhh,España! Finally a country in which I feel comfortable speaking their language. Of all the places I was going on this Contiki tour, I was most excited about Barcelona. A little Spanish flavor, a chance to practice my not-often-used language skills… I couldn’t wait. Continue reading

France: Paris and the Beaujalis Wine Region

In London I joined a Contiki tour, and from there we headed off  across the English channel via ferry to Calais, France. My first real taste of France came when we arrived to Paris.  What surprised me the most about Paris was the wide, wide avenues they have. I was expecting cramped, small streets but the Champs de Elysee is huge!

I was really looking forward to seeing the Eiffel Tower in person and I have to say it definitely did not disappoint!

Day 137/ 366 Creativity Journal

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England: London, Bristol, & Bath

This was the third time I have been to England/ London area and I have to say it was one of the more interesting times. The last two times I was in High School and going out sightseeing with your parents is a different vibe than by yourself/ with friends.

Bustling London is an  extreme contrast to the quiet and tiny capital of Reykjavik. It took me a few days to adjust to the sheer amount of people walking around London at all times, hurrying here and there.

Lloyd's Building Day 130/ 366 Creativity Journal


Day 131/ 366 Creativity Journal

It was also the first time I went to the Camden markets in London. Continue reading

Eurotrip2012: Iceland!

If you read my last blog I wrote in May I was going to try and travel blog whilst in Europe. That plan failed because I didn’t have the time/computer access. Now that I have sorted through the 4,500 + photos I have taken in Europe I am planning on writing a little bit about each country I visited.

First stop: Iceland. Continue reading