Day 67 (part 2): Zombies!

This is part 2 of Day 67’s assignment which was “Write a 10 word science fiction story. Bounus: Illustrate it.”

This story was inspired by a post on (original zombie picture taken from here):




Which prompted my friend Crystal to come up with:



I love when things like this go hand in hand. 🙂

And although this wasn’t the post that inspired this zombie apocalypse stories in the first place, I thought this was well done:


Day 67: Aliens & Blondes’ Brains

Day 67’s assignment was: “Write a 10 word science fiction story. Bounus: Illustrate it.”

The first thing that popped in my mind was this:

But upon further reflection today I wondered if  instead the aliens would ONLY  want blonde girls’ brains because they are “stupid” and easy to manipulate. So I made this as well:


Which one do you like better?

(made in and picnik)