Everyday I’m trolloling

Haha. I keep looking at this and laughing.

The inspiration behind this?

I was talking to my sister Laura about “Game of Thrones.” I have only watched 2 episodes so far of Season 3. My sister was ahead of me in watching it and threaten to reveal spoilers!

I told her: “Keep it secret, Keep it safe!”

Her response: You sound like Dumbledore.

Me: You mean Gandalf? LOTR?

Laura: Same difference.

Thus the Troll quote was born! 😉

ps. YAY FOR DS106 ART!! It’s been too long.

Day 117: Troll Quotes

Day 117’s assignment was “Go out of your way. Travel somewhere you wouldn’t normally go today specifically to create something inspired by that location.”

Today I was going to adventure to the library so I decided to put something funny in one of the books. Continue reading