Blue Rainbow Brite Shoot

I just got my blue Rainbow Brite shoot! The daily shoot for Thursday (ds522) was water themed, so I decided to go ahead and take Blue Rainbow Brite Photos!

Now I just need to get the colors: purple and indigo.

In the interest of time I might combine these two colors because they are basically the sameish, right?….

Anyways, my ultimate goal is to do a massive shoot during finals week in which I get all my rainbow brite people together (e.g. Karen, Elena, Colleen and of course Megan and the other color people not yet chosen). We also might have a surprise extra person/color in the photo too 😉

Tonight I was going to use Aliyah as my other Blue person, but we had some communication issues. Instead, Karen (who was Red Dawn) graciously stepped up to the plate. However, I am hoping in the final shoot I can use Aliyah for Blue.

I took 66 photos and here are the 3 best ones:

my favorite photo of the shoot!

Reflection on Daily Shoots thus far

As of tonight I have uploaded  81 photos for 53 daily shoots to Flickr. This does not count the other photos I have uploaded to flickr or all the other photos I have taken but not uploaded.

I have officially accomplished 14% of my 365 photo goal. Wow! I am surprised my motivation has lasted this long. 🙂

Sometimes I get really cool photos in seconds and have to do little editing work, and other times I have spent an hour or so doing photo shoots with friends (such as people in this class like Megan, Colleen, Aliyah and my friends outside the class who might as well be in it.) Some days I don’t have a lot of time to take a photo which means the one I do end up uploading is ok but could have been better.

I really love doing crazy photoshoots with friends because they turn out really entertaining (e.g. Rainbow Brite Photo shoots, The Masks, Water Water Everywhere).

I’m also slightly obsessed with Picnik which is an awesome/quick way to edit photos for free online and then download to your computer

I love the comments I get on Flickr because they are generally very encouraging/ entertaining. Thanks ds106sers and all the randoms that have commented.

So now I leave you with all the awesome photos I have thus far. You have any favorites?





Conclusion: Freedom’s 30 Minute Radio

I feel that my previous post and Aliyah’s post about our radio show covered a good deal about our project, but I just wanted to do a few wrap up points:

1) Audio projects are very much solitary work.

  • Obviously we recorded the voices together and discussed what kind of sound effects to use. But then when it came down to it, we each took an equal amount of audio and spent hours on it ALONE, constantly listening to the same clips of audio over and over again until we got it to sound perfect.
  • Part of why I like the Daily Shoot assignments so much is that I can use my friends in them. This way, not only am I creating awesome art, but I get to hang out with my friends in the meantime. With Audacity, I turned into a little hermit hiding out in my bathroom because it was the quietest place in my apartment. I don’t really enjoy turning into a total hermit. It’s just not healthy.  O.o

2) Aliyah is a kickass partner!

  • Seriously, this girl was always ready to work on the assignment and do what it took to get it to be as awesome as it is. She has a very relaxed and calm personality, so even during the stressful times she was like “We can get our stuff done!” I can see how this project would have been a total pain in the ass if you had a crappy partner/ group, so I feel lucky  that we ended up together. 😀

3) Audio projects are super intense

  • More power to the people who do audio things for a living. It is crazy intense and I know that in the long run I wouldn’t have the patience or ear to stick with it.  Major Props to all the people who do the sound mixing on TV shows and movies, like these people who won Oscars for their work.

Overall, a really great experience, but you would have to pay me a lot of money to do this again!

And now my radio show for those of you too lazy to click to Aliyah’s blog post:



Texas Chainsaw Massacre

“Hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband”

A Sound Story by Jabomba (Aliyah and Me)

[audio:|titles=Texas Chainsaw Massacre]

Audio tracks from

The Creation Process*:

Aliyah came over Thursday night (so handy we are friends/ live in the same building 😉 to discuss what we had to do for the assignment since she had been at UVA performing with the UMW Bhangra team during class. (“So much better than going to DS106…Just Kidding….maybe… (: ” -Aliyah)

We brainstormed what our sound story should be and thought it would be funny if we did a ripoff of “the Texas Chainsaw Massacre” movie. Aliyah’s words: “Oh my lord… this is going to get scary! D: ”

Then today we sat outside enjoying the beautiful weather all the while listening to screams, bone crunching, slurping, chainsaws, and evil laughter. We also listened to the guys on the first floor whose living room window was open; they were singing songs like “A Whole New World” from Aladdin and “I want it that way” by the Backstreet Boys. Very entertaining!

We played around with Audacity before the assignment, but found it a little tricky to get all the bits and pieces of the story to play together right. Finally once we figured all that out, it was a bitch to have the song exported as an MP3 file. We had to download a lame file which didn’t download right at first and this created all sorts of problems/ took forever to figure out.  Once that was taken care of, we uploaded the Mp3 file using Audio Player (a handy audio plugin for wordpress! Thanks to Andrew for finding it)

From there on out it was smooth sailing! I’m looking forward to working more with Aliyah and our other partner David. For now our group name is Jabomba, which is what I thought Aliyah’s twitter name was the other day. Turns out her twitter name is Jamabay so I was totally wrong, but I think Jabomba sounds cooler.