“Hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband”
A Sound Story by Jabomba (Aliyah and Me)
[audio:https://imlikesoblonde.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/sound-jam-2-bitchhhh1.mp3|titles=Texas Chainsaw Massacre]Audio tracks from Freesounds.org
- Men running, forest, breathing: victorcenusa
- Chainsaw: Doobit
- Psycho Scream 1: FreqMen
- Psychotic Laugh: Timbre
- Bone Cracking 1: DallowmarGrimm
- FX Slurpy-Juicy-Eat: Zebraphone
The Creation Process*:
Aliyah came over Thursday night (so handy we are friends/ live in the same building 😉 to discuss what we had to do for the assignment since she had been at UVA performing with the UMW Bhangra team during class. (“So much better than going to DS106…Just Kidding….maybe… (: ” -Aliyah)
We brainstormed what our sound story should be and thought it would be funny if we did a ripoff of “the Texas Chainsaw Massacre” movie. Aliyah’s words: “Oh my lord… this is going to get scary! D: ”
Then today we sat outside enjoying the beautiful weather all the while listening to screams, bone crunching, slurping, chainsaws, and evil laughter. We also listened to the guys on the first floor whose living room window was open; they were singing songs like “A Whole New World” from Aladdin and “I want it that way” by the Backstreet Boys. Very entertaining!
We played around with Audacity before the assignment, but found it a little tricky to get all the bits and pieces of the story to play together right. Finally once we figured all that out, it was a bitch to have the song exported as an MP3 file. We had to download a lame file which didn’t download right at first and this created all sorts of problems/ took forever to figure out. Once that was taken care of, we uploaded the Mp3 file using Audio Player (a handy audio plugin for wordpress! Thanks to Andrew for finding it)
From there on out it was smooth sailing! I’m looking forward to working more with Aliyah and our other partner David. For now our group name is Jabomba, which is what I thought Aliyah’s twitter name was the other day. Turns out her twitter name is Jamabay so I was totally wrong, but I think Jabomba sounds cooler.