
So we (David Noel, Kelsey Conway, and me) decided to make movie posters. They are all about Jim Groom, of course.

Behold: Groomed4life!

Poster 1:


Poster 2:

Poster 3:

Poster 4: (image credit to Erin O’Neal)

the infamous jim groom

Creation process:

We all sat together and discussed what we wanted the posters to be.

1) Kelsey came up with the idea of pitting Jim Groom with Tim Doom and I added the Rock-n-sock-robots to the mix. Then I photoshopped Jim Groom’s and Colleen’s face on the two boys watching the robots in the original photo.

I was the only one with photoshop so I put all of these together, while the others gave advice and ideas. I think it was Kelsey who came up with the epic movie title:  Groomed4life

2) David came up with the idea for using crazy quotes from Jim Groom that Jim Groom had actually said in class. We decided to add these quotes around the radio We then used the awesome edupunk photo in the background to represent the quote about the old creeper.

3) We decided we had to use someone’s photo from Flickr for our last shoot. We all really liked Erin’s flaming photo and so we used that one. Thanks Erin! We ended up photoshopping a picture of Jim Groom over the person’s face so it looked like Jim Groom had finally taken over the world.

4) Erin offered to take a Jim Groom photo and make it look all fiery and cool. Then I added the Groomed4life logo. Thanks again Erin for taking time to do this.

Great work team! (: