The Attraction Chart (TM)

So Friday’s daily shoot was “Illustrate Attraction in a photograph today.”

Really wasn’t sure what I wanted to take a photo of for this and eventually almost the whole day had passed and I still hadn’t taken anything. But finally inspiration hit when I checked my mail. My Australian friend Rose sent me the perfect postcard for this assignment which she got in the National Museum of Australia.

It reads:

Passion, like love, attracts and is attractive. Full of longing and desire, a passion for someone or something–intense love or an outburst of anger– can become so strong it’s barely controllable. If you feed this raw appetite, passion can tip into obsession. Once aroused, in all its fervent keenness, passsion can be something to relish. Eternity.


Awesome. πŸ™‚ All I had to take a photo of this postcard and I was done. But then I talked with my suitemate Karen who thought just taking a photo of the postcard was a lame andΒ  cheesy cop out. Damnit! πŸ™

Time to step it up a notch.

I decided to put it on a white board and decorate it with other things related to attraction. A heart with wings popped in my head. Then DS106. It’s kind of an obsession, right? (Maybe I feel this way because I am doing a daily shoot everyday and thus I have to think about #ds106 ALL THE TIME…. i_own_your_life is right.)

And then I realized that this was all a cheesy cop out because it wasn’t a super awesome, visually interesting photo like this one.

Hence The Attraction Chart (TM) was developed. A Cheesy Cop out, but one that was better than my original idea which is always a plus. πŸ™‚