Day 69: In the land of optical illusions

Day 69’s assignment was: “Make a puzzle or make something using pieces from a puzzle.”

After searching google for inspiration, I decided to make my own optical illusion using this tutorial.  It was  simple  to do and once I had my images ready, I just looked for a wordpress plugin which can do image/mouse rollovers.  This plugin was super easy to use, unlike a few others ones I tried.


Stare at the dot for 20-30 seconds. Then, without moving your eyes, move the mouse over the image. The image will look like it’s in color until you move your eyes.  


The original photo can be viewed on my flickr! The colors are more intense in the normal photo.

Day 67 (part 2): Zombies!

This is part 2 of Day 67’s assignment which was “Write a 10 word science fiction story. Bounus: Illustrate it.”

This story was inspired by a post on (original zombie picture taken from here):




Which prompted my friend Crystal to come up with:



I love when things like this go hand in hand. 🙂

And although this wasn’t the post that inspired this zombie apocalypse stories in the first place, I thought this was well done:


Day 67: Aliens & Blondes’ Brains

Day 67’s assignment was: “Write a 10 word science fiction story. Bounus: Illustrate it.”

The first thing that popped in my mind was this:

But upon further reflection today I wondered if  instead the aliens would ONLY  want blonde girls’ brains because they are “stupid” and easy to manipulate. So I made this as well:


Which one do you like better?

(made in and picnik)




Day 60: Bad Photo, Vintage Effect & Helvetica challenge

Day 60’s assignment was: ” Make something that casts a shadow and document only the shadow.”

After procrastinating on this assignment, I finally dragged my friend’s sister into posing with me for a shadow photo. Then, since all the photos were kinda terrible, I decided to do Visual Assignment 52 where you take a bad photo, add a vintage effect and then add a silly phrase in helvetica.

I edited the photo  in Pixlr (amazing free photo editing website!) then asked my friend for suggestions for a phrase to use.  One of them is slightly negative and the other one is more positive. I couldn’t decide which one I liked more so I ended up posting both:


caption by Aitak M

lyrics from the song: We are young

Day 49: discovering the connections

Day 49’s assignment was: “Quantity over quality. Work with a lot of something. It could be dried grains from the kitchen, a jar of buttons you have in your closet or all your t-shirts.” 

I was both super behind on this assignment and yet also super ahead. Let me explain:

When I was on flickr about a month ago, I saw a photo someone had uploaded displaying their Facebook network connections. I thought it was a really interesting graph and that I would love to do one for my own network connections. I downloaded the program Gephi and using this fabulous tutorial, got to work.

About halfway through with messing with this, I got distracted by a side project and left the graph unfinished. Flashforward to Day 49’s project which I should have done 13 days ago (oops!). I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with this project, hence why I put it off for so long.

Then I remembered that I had my graph (filled with many, many connections!) half undone. I got back to work on it, using this other tutorial to help me color my different network sets.

The result:


Basically what I have here is 7 main groups in my network:

1. College Friends (Purple)

2. Family & their/our friends (Pink)

3. Friends from my American Contiki Tour (teal)

4. Friend from my NZ Contiki Tour (green)

5. Friends from my Australian Study Abroad Experience (Orange)

6. High School Friends (Light Blue)

7. Friends from the Camp in HS (dark blue)

plus a few randoms here and there whom do not have connections with any of my other friends.


I find it interesting to see a visual display of my friendships like this because the size of the node doesn’t always correspond to my real relationships with these people.

For example, two of my best friends from HS whom I talk on the phone with all the time and we hang out a lot, are just tiny specks on this graph. You can’t even see their names.

Also, a lot of the friends I made while doing those Contiki Tours have fairly large sized nodules. While I did make some pretty fabulous friends from these tours, I think the reason that they make such a big appearance on the graph is that I have a lot of pictures with/of them. So while some of these people I only hung out with them in person for 2-3 weeks, I might/do have more photos with them than I do with friends I have known for years.

However, the people with the largest nodes are definitely the people who I communicate the most with (or at least I do on facebook!)

Overall, I think it’s really cool what you can do in Gephi to chart your network connections. I’m curious to see how this all changes over time.