What happens when you forget to make a Valentine for #ds106

The Heat Miser is gonna get ya!!


This year I had no idea what I wanted to make for Valentine’s Day, DS106 style.  I made my 2011 Superhero Valentine’s with the help of some of my funny roommates, and  I happened upon on the 2012 Romance Novel Valentine’s cards randomly while shopping.

But now 2013 in Korea, I couldn’t decide what to do.  I feel I have been a lot less creative while I’ve been living here; I haven’t converted anyone to the DS106 cult yet here :/

A few days ago, I was looking on Retronaut for ideas when I found this Valentine. I think it is hilarious because it  so weird!

Since I didn’t make anything for Valentine’s Day 2013 and  broke a 2 year tradition @__@, I know that the Heat Miser must be very unhappy. No….not just unhappy. He would be ANGRY.  What would the Heat Miser do in this situation?

Cook the Blondie! Haha.

PS: I am super impressed with Megan Mc’s 2013 Nerd Valentines! As always, she is rocking nerdom!

My favorite from the set:

I want to program a little robot to say this, haha. Megan rocks at life.


Superheroes V-Day Cards

So the other day while I was checking out the twitter update feed, Timmmmyboy posted about the retro superheroes valentine’s day cards.

As I love hearts and getting cards on Valentine’s Day, I decided it would be funny to make my own versions of the cards, preferably funny and not so cutesy. I was inspired by someecards.com and also be my anti-valentine.

Although there is only about fifteen minutes left until valentine’s day ends (which was pretty crappy for a lot of people; I know of two relationships that ended today) I hope you can share some laughter/joy with friends/family:

no more booty calls

Let's Just Be Friends

Check out my photo set with all the cards here: