Taking photos. That’s what I do.

Yesterday a couple of my friends remarked that I seem to take a lot of photos.

Yes, yes I do.

I have explained to them several times about my #366creativityjournal project (which is now more of a photography project rather than just the journal project itself). But maybe because I have never really showed them some of the final results of my project, they seem confused by it.

My friend Cathy thinks my project is waaaay too ambitious: “Sarah, it seems too hard for you to take a photo everyday. Maybe you should scale it back and take a photo every week. I mean, you moved to a new country this year, started a full time job. How are you supposed to make art everyday when you complain you never have any free time?”

That is completely missing the point of the project. The point is that everyday in life we should try to be creative, we should try to find the beauty in simple things. I could go on and on the number of times I’ve told people about how I get some amazing photos by taking A LOT of crappy ones.

Plus, my life in Korea is simultaneously very different from my life in the US and yet very much the same. The things/objects/people I encounter here are very different, but the things I tend to do here are things I would do at home.

Still, I find it interesting to see the contrast between the world I know and the world I am experiencing here, and I bet a lot of people feel the same.

A lot of people I know don’t have the money or the time to travel. I feel very fortunate that I have been able to travel as much as I have. I also am happy I have the kind of “pioneering/adventuresome” spirit that lets me throw caution/routine to the winds and lets me set off to explore the world.

So while I have been utter crap at posting my daily photography/creativity efforts in a timely fashion, I still am thinking about the project everyday. I still want to be a creative genius each and everyday, and I want to showcase my life here in Korea.

My friends in Korea might not understand my project that well (I tried to explain #DS106 to them and they looked at me like I was CRAZY), and maybe a lot of my other friends don’t care about being creative/ innovative, but still I think that’s no reason to give up the project and call it a fail.

Like I said in my blog last week, this project is almost over. I still have A LOT of work to do to get this project in order. But I can do it! 😀

New project! KoreaUsa Collaboration website

Ever since Megan Mc and I took DS106 in Spring 2011, we’ve become digital BFFS (and real life ones too!)

Megan MC

We are constantly challenging each other to be more innovative and to make more art. Continue reading

España: Barcelona

Ahhhh,España! Finally a country in which I feel comfortable speaking their language. Of all the places I was going on this Contiki tour, I was most excited about Barcelona. A little Spanish flavor, a chance to practice my not-often-used language skills… I couldn’t wait. Continue reading

France: Paris and the Beaujalis Wine Region

In London I joined a Contiki tour, and from there we headed off  across the English channel via ferry to Calais, France. My first real taste of France came when we arrived to Paris.  What surprised me the most about Paris was the wide, wide avenues they have. I was expecting cramped, small streets but the Champs de Elysee is huge!

I was really looking forward to seeing the Eiffel Tower in person and I have to say it definitely did not disappoint!

Day 137/ 366 Creativity Journal

Continue reading

England: London, Bristol, & Bath

This was the third time I have been to England/ London area and I have to say it was one of the more interesting times. The last two times I was in High School and going out sightseeing with your parents is a different vibe than by yourself/ with friends.

Bustling London is an  extreme contrast to the quiet and tiny capital of Reykjavik. It took me a few days to adjust to the sheer amount of people walking around London at all times, hurrying here and there.

Lloyd's Building Day 130/ 366 Creativity Journal


Day 131/ 366 Creativity Journal

It was also the first time I went to the Camden markets in London. Continue reading

Eurotrip2012: Iceland!

If you read my last blog I wrote in May I was going to try and travel blog whilst in Europe. That plan failed because I didn’t have the time/computer access. Now that I have sorted through the 4,500 + photos I have taken in Europe I am planning on writing a little bit about each country I visited.

First stop: Iceland. Continue reading


For about the next 2 months I will be traveling in Europe! I am traveling part myself, part with a tour and part with friends. 🙂

I will attempt to keep a running travel blog during this time, but I am realistic that I will not always be near a computer. I will update whenever possible.

What does this mean for my daily projects you might ask? It would be tricky to do an art project everyday while traveling, so instead I am going to do a photo-a-day (dailyshoot) while I am away. This will be super easy to do as I am expecting to take a million pictures during my trip. 🙂

See you on the other side of the Atlantic!